Hi there! Thank you for stopping by!

My name is Kaye Ramos, the owner and creator of Well Journaled Blog. I also run a Youtube Channel named “Kaye Lean Ramos”. These are places where I share practical Christian Living tips I learn through daily devotions, journaling and life experiences.

If you want to dig deeper into who I am, please read along…

In 2014, I left the life I’m used to living to move to a different country and be with my fiance. It wasn’t a difficult decision since I have prayed thoroughly about it for years. But it wasn’t easy to let go of my comfortable life with my family and friends in it. 

I am a very competitive person and I like to really plan out things. I’ve planned out my life before the move. I got so confident with my own abilities and did not anticipate that God has different plans for me. 

Over the course of years while adjusting to my new life, I have experienced depression. For the first time, I’ve lived in isolation with only my husband as my physical friend. I had no family members to go to or even physical friends to hug. From being a career-driven woman, I became a fulltime housewife. I’ve chased several opportunities but circumstances and timing don’t seem to match.

I was not willing to give up and I kept holding on to my past life. Though I could clearly hear God and what He desires for me to do, I insisted on doing my own thing. I did blogging and writing in the past and gained quite an audience but decided to shut it down because I no longer feel fulfilled doing it. I ran an e-commerce business for two years and just when everything is starting to go well, the unexpected happened.

The business I took care for two years started to get shattered as the global pandemic hits. Despite the circumstances, I felt a sense of peace more than ever. I gained clarity about what God really wants for me. I gained the courage to embrace what lies ahead and willingly surrender to His will.

" For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. "
Philippians 1:21

So this blog and my channel feature things I learn in my daily walk with Jesus. I am no-perfect Christian and will never be. I stumble in my faith at times and am a sinner forgiven by Jesus. The desire of my heart is that you learn something from reading my blog or watching my videos and you’ll establish your own daily quiet time so you could get closer to Jesus.

Just like you, I am constantly learning and relearning. I would also love to learn from you through your comments and suggestions. I love writing and journaling and many of my life breakthroughs and breakdowns are reflected on my many journals. I’ve learned to silence the noise and talk to Jesus through Journaling.

You’ll also find here some of the journals and printables I have created based on my needs and other people.  I pour out a lot of effort to make sure they are of great quality. Please do not begrudge me for marketing some of my products here. This allow me to feed our family, give back and continue to give you the vast majority of information on this site and my channel, free of charge.

Thanks for being here and I hope you’ll enjoy your stay.

Check out this video below to give you some glimpse of me.

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